Posted in Events

On May 11, Chapter 67 of the IRWA (Orange County) is hosting a half-day seminar focused on the interrelationship between renewable energy, right-of-way acquisitions, and eminent domain.  If tying renewable energy to eminent domain sounds like a bit of a stretch, you apparently haven't been following all the recent news about the struggle to entitle and build renewable energy projects.  Just yesterday, the White House Blog featured a profile on federal energy policies entitled Building a New Foundation for Energy and the Environment

Between the project facility itself and the ...

Posted in Right to Take

Several years ago, the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District filed a "friendly" eminent domain action to acquire a portion of an unimproved "paper" street from the City of Lake Elsinore.  The property was to be used to construct a water pumping station to serve a nearby development, and the City had no objection.  The water district took possession, and began construction of the pumping station.  So far, this seems like a non-story, right?

Well, to the water district's surprise, a nearby property owner appeared in the action and challenged the water district's ...

Posted in Projects

According to a San Diego Union Tribune article,"City ready to acquire land to widen Plaza Boulevard," National City has adopted resolutions of necessity in order to use eminent domain for the widening of a 1.1-mile stretch of Plaza Boulevard.  37 properties are impacted, although the City has reached agreements with a majority of the property owners.

The expansion project will widen Plaza Boulevard from four to six lanes between Highland Avenue and Euclid Avenue, including a section under the 805 freeway.  The City says widening its busiest commercial corridor will ...

Posted in Projects

Recently, the State of Utah has been making eminent domain news as it seeks to condemn property from the federal government.  Now, one California County is looking at a less drastic means of gaining some control over federal property. 

On April 6, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 to reopen 25 miles of previously closed County roads.  While deciding to reopen its own roads might normally garner little attention, this decision is interesting because the roads are located within land owned by the federal Bureau of Land Management.   The roads were closed in 2008 when the BLM ...

Posted in Projects

Over the years, the approval process for development projects in California has become more burdensome, more difficult, and more time consuming.  The project proponent -- whether a private developer or a public agency -- spends months, and usually years, addressing environmental issues, processing entitlements and, for bigger projects, often facing court challenges.  But what does this have to do with eminent domain?

Well, property owners and business owners typically become aware of potential government projects very early in the planning process.  And while the ...

Posted in Events

If you are an eminent domain attorney, a right-of-way agent, or an appraiser working in Southern California, you will have ample opportunities to expand your horizons (or at least your networking circles) in April.  Here's just a sampling of what's coming up locally:

Posted in Valuation

A fundamental premise underlying eminent domain laws is that the owner is treated fairly under principles of just compensation.  This means that the owner receives fair market value for the property being condemned.  And, where there is an active, relevant real estate market with ample comparable sales data, this premise can be upheld through traditional appraisal methodologies.

Unfortunately, not all markets include legitimate, open market transactions from which to gather comparable sales data.  This is especially true where market conditions have deteriorated; in other ...

Posted in Projects

According to a Pasadena Star-News article, "Pasadena may use eminent domain to seize historical building," next month the City of Pasadena will consider authorizing the use of eminent domain to acquire a historical building designed by California's first prominent female architect, Julia Morgan.  The building, located at 78 N. Marengo Ave. near City Hall, was built in 1921, making it one of the earliest historical structures in Pasadena.  Pasadena is apparently ready to turn to eminent domain because the historical site has been fenced up and abandoned for more than a decade.

So ...

Posted in Court Decisions

Last week, my colleague Rick Rayl blogged about the Ninth Circuit's issuing an order granting an en banc hearing of the Guggenheim case involving the City of Goleta's mobile home park rent control ordinance.  If anyone is interested in a more in-depth analysis of the issues of that case, how the en banc process works, how politics come into play, and how the Ninth Circuit may ultimately come out on the regulatory takings issue, Rick and I prepared a more in-depth article that addresses those issues.  The article, "9th Circuit Revisits 2009 Trailer Park Opinion," was published in the Daily ...

Posted in Projects

According to a Santa Maria Times article, "Eminent domain decision delayed," the County of San Luis Obispo is currently in the process of acquiring property for the Nipomo's Willow Road Interchange project, which will extend Willow Road from Hetrick Road to Highway 101, and will also include constructing new onramps for access to Highway 101 from the extension.  While it appears the County has successfully negotiated the property acquisitions so far, the County may utilize its eminent domain powers to condemn other necessary properties.

One impacted property -- a ...

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