After a flurry of post-Kelo activity, cries for eminent domain reform seem to have quieted in California in the past couple of years.  Now, public utility companies are seeking to step into the calm in an effort to roll back some of the reforms that did occur.

One of the recent changes to California eminent domain law involves the procedures for obtaining prejudgment possession.  Before Kelo, agencies could almost guarantee possession quickly.  In fact, they could obtain orders for possession ex parte, meaning they didn't even have to provide owners with notice that they were seeking ...

Posted in Redevelopment

According to a Contra Costa Times article, "San Pablo tries to quell eminent domain fears with promise to residents," the City of San Pablo has promised residents that it will not use the power of eminent domain to acquire owner-occupied residences for purposes of private development.  The promise is a bit odd, given the fact that  Proposition 99, which Caifornia voters passed in 2008, is intended to prohibit exactly that use of eminent domain.  (We'll leave aside for the moment whether Proposition 99 really does effectively prohibit the taking of residential property for ...

Posted in Court Decisions

We reported earlier this week about the Ninth Circuit's March 12 order to hold an en banc hearing of its decision in Guggenheim v. City of Goleta.  The case involves a regulatory takings challenge to the City's rent control ordinance involving mobile home parks. 

On March 15, the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District (San Diego) issued its opinion in MHC Financing Limited Partnership Two v. City of Santee (March 15, 2010, Case No. D053345).  The court rejected plaintiff's regulatory takings claim involving a City of Santee rent control ordinance, concluding that the as ...

Posted in Redevelopment

There is an interesting story in today's North County Times about a political dispute brewing between members of a sub-committe of the Vista Redevelopment Agency.  The story by Cigi Ross, titled "VISTA: Member breaks rank with Vista redevelopment panel," explains that one of Vista's project area committee members, Jerome Hymes, has distributed a letter to about 35 downtown businesses warning that the agency may seize their property by eminent domain.  The other members are chastising Hymes, claiming the letter is filled with a "total laundry list of all the urban myths of ...

Posted in Projects

According to the Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority's ("ACE") Spring Newsletter (which was published yesterday), ACE plans to start construction of three major grade separation projects this year.  The three projects include:

Posted in Events

The Appraisal Institute and Chapter 1 of the IRWA are holding their annual joint meeting on March 23.  It is being held at Steven's Steakhouse in Commerce.  Here are the details:

Steven's Steak House
5332 Stevens Place
Commerce, CA 90040

March 23, 2010
11:30 - Registration & Check-in
12:00 - Lunch & Presentation

The speaker will be Greg Angelo, Director of Real Property Management & Development at Los Angeles County MTA (Metro).   Mr. Angelo will talk about current Metro projects, including Expo Corridor Phase 1, Orange Line to Chatsworth, and I-405 Sepulveda Pass.  He will also talk ...

Posted in Court Decisions

Last fall, we reported on the Ninth Circuit's decision in Guggenheim v. City of Goleta, a regulatory takings case that generated considerable interest.  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the City of Goleta's rent control ordinance constituted a taking and ordered the City to pay just compensation to the owner of a mobile home park. 

The Court concluded that the ordinance crossed the line because it had the effect of transferring as much as 90 percent of the property's value from the owner to the mobile home park's tenants.  The holding was significant not only because the ...

Posted in Right to Take

I'm a California eminent domain attorney.  I work in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, etc.  I don't work in Utah.  I'm not even licensed in Utah.  Why, then, would I bother to blog about what is going on with eminent domain in Utah?

Quite frankly, because it amuses me.  The Utah Senate has now approved a law that authorizes the state to condemn property from the federal government.  You may wonder how can a state give itself the power to condemn property from the federal government.  The answer:  it probably can't --and Utah knows it.  

According to a ...

Posted in Projects

We've previously reported on some of the major renewable energy projects currently underway, such as Southern California Edison's Tehachapi Renewable Energy Transmission Line Project and GE's plans to design the largest wind farm in the world.  After a major planning effort, it appears that another renewable energy project -- the Sunrise Powerlink project -- may be moving forward as well.  

According to a March 7 San Diego Union Tribune article by Onell Soto, the 123-mile, $1.88 billion Sunrise Powerlink project has obtained approval from the Public Utilities Commission ...

Over the weekend, someone posted a comment on an earlier piece involving the City of Vista's Efforts to Assemble an Auto Mall.  The comment referred to potential tax advantages to owners facing condemnation, and was probably more timely than the person commenting realized.  Here is the main point of the comment:

I have read that Owners forced to sell property though eminent domain have tax advantages on any gain as opposed to if they sell voluntarily.

The comment refers to Internal Revenue Code Section 1033, which provides tax deferral for "involuntary conversions" of ...

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