Posted in Events

On March 9, 2010, Chapter 67 of the IRWA is holding its monthly lunch meeting.  The meeting is being held, as always, at the Santa Ana/OC Airport Holiday Inn.  This month's speakers are Patrick A. Hennessey and Michael H. Leifer, who are presenting "Inverse Condemnation: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World."   MCLE credit is available for attorneys. 

You can RSVP to Hospitality Chair Joe Munsey at (it's $15 if you RSVP, or $20 at the door).   Here are the details:

Santa Ana/OC Airport Holiday Inn
2726 South Grand Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Meet & Greet:  11:30am ...

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Tags: Events, IRWA
Posted in Right to Take

In December, we reported on Sierra Madre's decision to allow voters to decide whether the City should possess the power to condemn property for redevelopment purposes.  On April 13, 2010, voters will decide the issue by ratifying or rejecting City Ordinance 1304, but for now, the measure has triggered some colorful debate. 

On February 27, Susan Henderson offered a Mountain View News article "Eminent Domain Measure -- Yes or No?"  She purports to analyze the measure in the broader context of recent eminent-domain-reform efforts, including California's Proposition 99, passed in ...

Posted in Redevelopment

In the past, we've reported on the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency's condemnation of the historic Hugo Hotel.  It now appears that city officials in Ukiah may utilize a similar playbook and reinstate the redevelopment agency's power of eminent domain in order to acquire the historic 119-year old Palace Hotel.  According to a Press Democrat article, "Ukiah seeks new life for Palace Hotel," the city may turn to eminent domain after decades of unsuccessfully nudging the hotel's Marin County owners to rehabilitate the historic vine-covered building in the heart of downtown. 

The City of Placentia has a large redevelopment area, and ambitious plans to redevelop an industrial neighborhood in south Placentia.  But the City has responded to the outrage over eminent domain and, in particular, eminent domain for redevelopment purposes.  The City apparently has no power to condemn property for private redevelopment. 

Yet, this lack of authority has not stopped some property owners in the redevelopment area from complaining that the "threat" of eminent domain has decimated their property's value.  According to a February 17 Orange County Register article by ...

We reported back in October that the Long Beach City Council approved the use of eminent domain to acquire nearly 10,000 square feet of property to widen Pacific Coast Highway.  Now in February, the City Council is once again considering the issue.  So why, nearly four months later, is the issue back before the City Council?  According to a recent Costa Costa Times article, the reason is because the project description has changed.

Back in the "pre-Kelo" era, agencies would routinely proceed with planned eminent domain despite minor changes to the project description.  However ...

Posted in Events

Our office received notice yesterday afternoon that due to the current fiscal crisis, the Los Angeles County Superior Court is closing Department 59, effective February 22.  Everyone who practices eminent domain in Los Angeles knows about Department 59, the Department designated for eminent domain cases in Los Angeles County. 

Commissioner Mitchell has been handling eminent domain cases in Department 59 for many years, and his knowledge of this unique area of law has made pretrial procedures in Los Angeles run smoother than anywhere else in Southern California.   Even for those ...

Posted in Events

I will be speaking February 11 at the Sacramento IRWA Chapter's lunch meeting (Chapter 27).  My presentation will be about avoiding pitfalls under the new eminent domain prejudgment possession rules.   This topic has received considerable attention over the past couple of years, and will undoubtedly be the focus of more attention over the next few years as appellate decisions involving the new rules start to appear.  

The meeting details are as follows:

La Provence
110 Diamond Creek Place
Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 789-2002

Board Meeting: 10:30 a.m.
Registration/ Meet & ...

Posted in Events

Next week, Chapter 67 of the IRWA (Orange County) is holding its annual Past Presidents' lunch.   The lunch will feature speaker Randall S. Stamen, an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist -- and an attorney.  In case the really long title is slowing you down, I think that means he is a tree expert and, in particular for the IRWA's purposes, that he has expertise in dealing with relocation and valuation of trees impacted by eminent domain actions.  

Though it seems at first glance like a fairly odd topic, tree issues do arise with some regularity in condemnation cases ...

Posted in Projects

We have previously reported on Tulare County's efforts to acquire right of way for its Road 108 widening and its Road 80 widening.  Now, the County is considering condemning four additional parcels for the Road 108 project. 

In a February 1 article in the Visalia Times Delta, Eminent domain on county board's agenda, Valerie Gibbons reports that the County will decide tomorrow whether to file four more eminent domain actions, which would bring the recent total to 25.  Ms. Gibbons reports that the County's apparent rush to proceed has "had residents up in arms in past meetings."

But the County ...

Posted in Redevelopment

I mentioned in an article last week that many redevelopment agencies are facing budget issues; the city of Imperial Beach is facing a similar, but slightly different, problem:  after investing over $8 million in bond money for redevelopment of the Miracle Shopping Center, the economic climate has made it impossible for the city to find an interested developer. 

Nevertheless, the city decided to raise more funds, and purchase the shopping center anyway, hoping the city's ownership would make the site more attractive to developers.  With city ownership now in ...

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