Posted in Right to Take

Next week, I'm speaking at the IRWA Chapter 67 Spring Seminar, which is focused on renewable energy issues.   So it was pretty timely when I came across an article this week involving efforts in Wyoming to curtail eminent domain power to address that state's push for increased renewable energy. 

According to a Casper Star-Tribune article by Dustin Bleizeffer, Wind boom inspires another look at state's eminent domain laws: Crossing private property, Wyoming has seen a wave of efforts to use eminent domain to acquire right of way for "collector lines," used to connect wind turbines to ...

Posted in Redevelopment

We've previously reported on several cities contemplating the renewal of their redevelopment agencies' powers of eminent domain.  In the cities of San Pablo and Barstow, it appears that public outcry may have derailed those renewal efforts, at least for now.  Here's a brief update:

Posted in Redevelopment

According to a Contra Costa Times article, "Bellflower may expand redevelopment area, hopes to add $42 million to city coffers," the City of Bellflower has approved proceeding with a study to potentially expand its redevelopment area to include an additional 271 acres.  The City hopes that the proposed redevelopment -- through increased property tax revenues -- could generate over $40 million for the City over the next 45 years.

The article reports that a number of hurdles must be cleared before the expansion area is approved.  For example, the City would need to obtain approval from ...

Posted in Events

Just a reminder about two upcoming events that you may be interested in attending:

  • On May 5, IRWA Chapter 57 (Riverside/Inland Empire) will hold its monthly meeting at the Riverside Convention Center.  The speaker is Carol Brooks, and her topic is "Conflict Management:  How to Stay Cool in the Heat of Conflict."  Sounds like an interesting topic for all you right-of-way folks and relocation consultants that regularly deal with property and business owners facing eminent domain and relocation.

An interesting battle is raging in the Santa Ynez Valley.  Mattei's Tavern, a "landmark" in Los Olivos for more than 100 years, is slated for a redevelopment plan by its owner.  A local activist group, known as the Valley Alliance, wants to stop the owner's plans.  And one arrow in their quiver has been to nominate the tavern for listing as a historical landmark. 

According to an April 29 article by Kathy Cleary in the Santa Ynez Valley Journal Valley Alliance Historic Landmark Nomination:  Eminent Domain Takeover?, the purpose of the nomination is to give the Historic Landmark Advisory ...

Posted in Court Decisions

OK, before I get into this one, you should know that I've been sitting on this story for a week, trying to decide whether it warranted a blog post.  I still haven't quite figured out what happened, and I was just about to let it go, but then my colleague Brad Kuhn pointed out earlier today that the very fact that the whole thing is so odd makes it worthy of a discussion.  So here goes. 

Last week, the City of San Clemente appealed from an earlier ruling by an Orange County Superior Court judge that the City of San Clemente was liable for a taking that resulted when the City (apparently in secret) down ...

Posted in Projects

The City of Seal Beach announced that it is moving forward with plans that certainly do not sound controversial.  The City intends to improve a bike path, expand a park, and repave a parking lot.  But an adjacent property owner thinks the City's plans are infringing on its plans to develop its property.  Bay City Partners is currently involved in two related lawsuits with the City. 

The City filed a 2009 action to acquire 21,000 square feet of the property; the eminent domain trial is scheduled for October 2010.  Earlier this month, Bay City Partners sued the City, attacking its improvement ...

Posted in Projects

As we reported in an update yesterday, San Luis Obispo County adopted resolutions of necessity to condemn portions of three parcels needed for Nipomo’s Willow Road interchange project.  According to an April 21 Santa Maria Times article by April Charlton, "Board OKs use of eminent domain," the County is still negotiating with the owners, but was forced to start the eminent domain process now, or its risks losing key project funding:

[T]he county is required to show the state that the project is ready to proceed by the end of June to obtain millions of dollars in transportation funds ...

Posted in Projects

Over the past month, we have reported on a number of potential projects involving the use of eminent domain.  For anyone following these projects, here is a quick update:

Posted in Redevelopment

The City of Milpitas plans to expand its redevelopment area to encompass more than 600 additional acres.  The County of Santa Clara, however, claims that the proposed expansion area has very little "blight."  Because of the potential for diversion of tax dollars and the significant financial impact the expansion may cause, this apparently has led to a brewing dispute between the County and the City.

According to a Milpitas Post article, "County to Milpitas: revisit RDA expansion plan or face lawsuit," the County has threatened the City with a lawsuit if the City moves forward with its ...

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