The California Court of Appeal issued an interesting unpublished decision yesterday addressing a number of eminent domain issues, ranging from right to take challenges, entitlement to goodwill, severance damages, and jury instructions.  The case, City of San Luis Obispo v. Hanson, garnered enough attention that several third parties filed Amicus briefs with the Court.

By way of background, the City of San Luis Obispo decided to realign a road partly in order to accommodate a newly approved Costco development.  The realignment required right-of-way acquisition from a property ...

Posted in Court Decisions

The City of Laguna Woods had been leasing the building it used for City Hall on El Toro Road for a number of years.  In 2005, the City -- apparently tired of leasing the space -- decided to acquire the property by using its power of eminent domain.  After proceeding to trial, a jury determined this week that the fair market value the City is required to pay for the building was $6.43 million -- $2.78 million more than the City had initially offered.

According to an Orange County Register article, "Laguna Woods must pay $6.4 million to take City Hall," the issues that resulted in the ...

Posted in Redevelopment

On its face, the City of Rancho Cordova's eminent domain action to acquire a vacant parcel for redevelopment purposes is a familiar story. The government wants to seize private property in order to turn the property over to a third party for redevelopment.  This is the basic fact pattern that caused the national eminent domain uproar that started when the Supreme Court issued its 2005 Kelo decision.

Unlike in Kelo, however, in California the government typically cannot take such steps without making appropriate findings that the property being condemned is "blighted."  This ...

The City of Glendale plans to vote tonight on a plan that would extend eminent domain authority in its central redevelopment area for an additional 12 years.  According to an August 10 article in the Glendale-News Press, "City Set to Extend Eminent Domain," the agency's eminent domain authority is currently set to expire next month. 

According to the Director of the Community Redevelopment & Housing Department, Philip Lanzafame, eminent domain is a key tool if redevelopment projects are to succeed:  "If you didn't have this, some property owners could hold the community hostage."

This ...

Posted in Redevelopment

We've been following the City of Barstow's potential reinstatement of its redevelopment agency's power of eminent domain, most recently noting that a special hearing was set for August 5.  According to a Desert Dispatch article from over the weekend, "Eminent domain power reinstated for parts Riverside Drive and east Barstow," the reinstatement was only partly successful:  the redevelopment agency can now use eminent domain on commercial property in Project Area 1 (the eastern part of the City at the end of Riverside Drive near the sewer plant), but a deadlocked vote caused the ...

Posted in Redevelopment

We have reported several times on the City of Barstow's efforts to renew its Redevelopment Agency's eminent domain authority, but Barstow residents apparently remain skeptical.  A public meeting in April left many dissatisfied with the City's efforts, and the City's Council's effort to address the issue in May led to a deadlock

Now, the City has scheduled an additional public meeting for this week in anticipation of the City Council's August 5 special meeting on the issue. 

According to a July 25 article in the Desert Dispatch, "City to attempt second eminent domain meeting ...

Posted in Redevelopment

According to an article in the Californian, "Salinas mayor: Beat blight, grow tax base," the City of Salinas is slated to vote tonight on whether to expand three Salinas redevelopment zones.  The city is considering such a move in order to grow property tax revenues as assessed property values in the area rise.

The Mayor of Salinas, Dennis Donohue, believes business created in the redevelopment zones could bring an influx of between $5 million and $15 million annually in sales and occupancy taxes.  He is quoted as saying:  "We have to expand our tax base, and this is a possible tool to do it."  ...

Posted in Redevelopment

With plans to demolish the old Carriage Square shopping center and rebuild it with a Lowe's, the City of Oxnard was on the verge of passing a resolution of necessity to acquire by eminent domain the leasehold interests of one of the few remaining tenants of the center.  However, according to an article by Scott Hadly, "Oxnard, credit union likely to avoid eminent domain clash," the City's threat of eminent domain appears to have resulted in a deal with that tenant, Pacific Oaks Credit Union.

In order to force the tenant to relocate and give up its rights under its lease, the City ...

Posted in Redevelopment

Most of the media surrounding eminent domain -- and eminent domain for redevelopment purposes in particular -- involves claims of eminent domain abuse and grass roots efforts to limit the government's ability to condemn property. 

In the City of Ukiah, however, local business owners are apparently taking the opposite stance, urging the City to reinstate its eminent domain powers that lapsed in 2001 to deal with a blight situation that business owners believe are hurting them.  We initially reported on the issues with the Palace Hotel back in Februrary, but a July 9 article in The ...

Posted in Redevelopment

According to an ABC news story, "Threat of Eminent Domain Raises Tempers at City Hall," residents of downtown Fresno are up in arms about the City's effort to extend its redevelopment rights.  While City Council members tried to assure residents that the use of eminent domain would be a "last resort," those in attendance at the council meeting were unappeased. 

In particular, residents complained that the City's plans are actually limiting efforts to improve the area because no one wants to spend money on a property or business when it is unclear what the City is going to do with the ...

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