In hopes of modernizing the nation's infrastructure, President Obama revealed a plan to invest $302 billion in transportation over the next four years. As reported in Politico , the President hopes the additional funds will not only keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent in the short term, but provide a true long-term vision for a modern infrastructure. But it is not just highways that will be improved. The President's plan should also give a boost local agencies that are investing in light rail, street cars, and bus rapid transit.
The President will need support from both parties to ...
One recent article by our Infrastructure Group, "New Surface Transportation Legislation Likely to Encounter Many Roadblocks in the Coming Months," seems particularly useful. The article indicates that the Obama Administration has the passage of a multi-year surface transportation bill high on its legislative agenda, and its new budget proposal pushes for a $556 billion surface reauthorization bill. John Mica, the Republican Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, however, has warned transportation stakeholders that a Republican bill this ...
The use of "government stimulus" spending to spur economic growth has been a point of heated political controversy for the past several years. A proposal outlined by President Obama over the weekend involves spending $50 billion on the nation's transportation infrastructure, focusing on the aging highway system, rail lines, and airports.
According to a September 7 Wall Street Journal article by Gary Fields, "Obama in Infrastructure Push,"
At a Labor Day rally in Milwaukee, Mr. Obama said the initiative would be part of a larger effort to fix 150,000 miles of roads, lay or rebuild ...
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