We are pleased to provide the next installment of our video series from Nossaman’s 2019 Eminent Domain Seminars. In this segment, Eminent Domain Partner and Litigation Department Chair David Graeler discusses managing Temporary Construction Easements when there is a project delay.
My partner Brad Kuhn and I spoke yesterday at the IRWA Chapter 1 Valuation Conference. Our topic involved large-scale acquisitions, and what makes them different from a typical, single-parcel acquisition. As always, the Conference was well attend. And as always, both the panelists and the audience are made up of a great cross-section of the top right of way practitioners in Southern California. This mix often leads to some great discussions -- and yesterday was no exception.
One of the questions that arose during our presentation involved the fairly recent requirement that agencies ...
Anyone involved in the right-of-way industry understands that communication is key. Whether you are on the side of a property owner or a public agency, a forced acquisition of property is never comfortable. But being straightforward and opening an honest dialogue usually goes a long way. Public agencies and their agents should be prepared to explain the need for the public project, the details of the take, the potential impacts, and how the value of the property was determined.
A perfect example of what happens when there is miscommunication is highlighted in a Redding.com article by ...
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