As the summer months come to an end, it means the International Right of Way Association monthly luncheons are set to resume -- at least in Orange County and the Inland Empire (those crazy right of way folks in Los Angeles go year-around). Chapter 67's lunch is scheduled for September 11 at the Marriott in Santa Ana, and Chapter 57's lunch is set for September 12 at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Riverside. So what's on tap?
In Orange County, my partner Rick Rayl will be presenting on the use of eminent domain for underwater mortgages. We've covered this topic in detail here on the blog, but please come out to support him. If nothing else, it's a rare occurrence where the immediate Past-President of the Chapter actually makes it out to the monthly luncheon (let alone be the featured speaker!). After working your way through the ranks and serving on the Executive Board for multiple successive years, I've heard there's usually a bit of burn-out (not that I want to name any names, but does anyone remember any past presidents named "Mike"?).
In Riverside/San Bernardino, John Murphy from Murphy & Evertz will provide an update on national legal developments in eminent domain. I saw John's presentation up at the IRWA International Conference in Seattle earlier this year, and it was very informative. And I'll appreciate greeting all of you at the door in my new role as Chapter Secretary (assuming I'm not at the hospital for the birth of my second son....).
Look forward to seeing everyone again!
- Partner
Brad Kuhn, chair of Nossaman's Eminent Domain & Inverse Condemnation Group, is a nationally-recognized leader in the areas of eminent domain/inverse condemnation, land use/zoning and other property and business disputes. Brad ...
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