Another day has passed with no apparent movement on the two remaining elements of the Governor’s budget. Rumors are circulating that plans are afoot for bypassing Republican legislators by placing a tax measure on the November ballot.
Officially, the Governor’s office remains focused on the original plan. In fact, the Governor’s spokesman, Gil Duran, was quoted as saying that it was a lie that the Governor has decided on a November election. However, other anonymous sources say that while Brown is continuing to negotiate with Republicans to put the tax extension on a June ...
It's been a crazy couple weeks with the redevelopment saga continuing to play out in California. But let's shift gears and take a breather – at least for a moment – while hundreds of redevelopment agencies continue to hang on for dear life.
I received a call today from a business owner who faced a potential eminent domain action, and the owner unforntuately did not take the appropriate steps to preserve goodwill and find a suitable relocation site. The owner's difficult dilemma prompted me to mention an excellent article I came across a while ago from Martyn Daniel LLC
A pretty dull Monday on the redevelopment front. We're hearing that it's likely that the Assembly will not take up the issue again today or tomorrow, so Wednesday may be the next big day.
In the meantime, the California League of Cities has officially endorsed the CRA's alternative proposal, which is not particularly surprising since one of the "losers" if redevelopment is abolished is likely to be the cities.
The League's summary of the CRA proposal is as follows:
- Local redevelopment agencies can voluntarily suspend their housing set-aside for FY 2011-12. An equivalent amount of ...
Both the Senate and Assembly have adjourned for the weekend, but what a week it has been in the battle over the future of redevelopment.
The bill to kill redevelopment, SB 77, came up for multiple votes in the Assembly on Wednesday. The bill initially garnered only 50 of the 54 votes needed for the two-thirds majority. The Governor, working out of the Speakers office just off of the Assembly floor, personally lobbied and cajoled legislatures throughout the day. Eventually, he won over two wavering Democrats and one Republican, Chris Norby of Orange County. By the time of the bill’s final ...
The Assembly has been in session since 11:00, and as best I can tell (I haven't been able to watch the feed the entire day), it has not yet taken up SB 77 or redevelopment again today. My understanding is that further discussion is planned before the session ends, and that SB 77 was - at least at the beginning of the session - "item #7" on the agenda.
In the meantime, the 11:00 session started a bit late this morning, and both houses almost immediately convened in caucuses. Later, they moved forward with a few of the budget bills, taking them up and (apparently) approving them based on a ...
As the evening has worn on in the Assembly, SB 77 has been called to a vote several more times. What started as 50 yes votes (four short of passage) has now become 53 "yes" votes - now a single vote away.
Just before 7:00, the vote was 53-23, with 3 still abstaining. Another vote was called at about 7:10, but the tally remained 53-23. The plan at that time was to adjourn at 8:30 barring some change, but discussions continued until well past 9:00.
At about 9:20 p.m., the vote was called one more time. It remained 53-23, one vote short. At that point, the Assembly adjourned; it is scheduled to ...
SB 77 - the budget trailer bill to eliminate redevelopment agencies in California - has been debated on the Assembly floor much of the afternoon. When it finally came time to vote at a little after 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, it was still unclear whether Governor Brown would receive the two-thirds vote necessary.
As the votes came in, it became obvious that (1) the votes, as expected, would fall largely on party lines, with Democrats approving the bill and Republicans rejecting it, and (2) that the final result was going to be very close, one way or the other.
Ultimately, the vote came in ...
It looks like Governor Brown's proposal to end redevelopment as part of his overhaul of California's budget may come to a vote on both the Assembly and Senate floors today. AB 101 and SB 77 are scheduled for a 1:00 p.m. vote, and both include within them the plan to eliminate redevelopment agencies. They require a 2/3 vote for passage.
In the meantime, the California Redevelopment Association is promoting an alternative proposal that it hopes will be presented on the floor. They claim that the CRA proposal will:
- Provide significant funding to schools which could also help close the ...
We've blogged a lot in the past two months about redevelopment issues and the Governor's plan to help right California's budget by, among other things, eliminating redevelopment agencies. But most of what we've written has viewed redevelopment from the 30,000 foot level.
For policy-making decisions, viewing the big picture is hugely important. But a case making news this week out of National City reminds us that the redevelopment fight is also quite personal.
The Community Youth Athletic Center has been fighting what it perceives as an attack on its very existence for nearly four ...
As we noted in yesterday's post, Vote on Redevelopment Agencies' Future Uncertain, the Governor's deadline of March 10th is slipping away. How far can it slip? Some believe that a vote on his budget proposal could slip all the way into the third week of March, unless a few Republicans break ranks before then. Thus far, at least publicly, Republican opposition to both the tax extension and abolition of redevelopment remains unabated. Among the demands in the now infamous March 7th open letter to the Governor from five key Republican senators is "Save but reform Redevelopment Agencies and ...
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