Posted in Redevelopment

A few odds and ends for our readers:

Posted in Events

The International Right of Way Association's (IRWA) International Education Conference in Seattle has just wrapped up, and boy was it a great event.  Over 1,200 right of way professionals from across the United States and Canada (along with some visitors from Japan, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and the UK) all in one location for four days.  What could be better?  If you weren't able to make it, let me tell you that Alaska and Canada -- two chapters vying for hosting the 2017 event -- sure know how to have a good time. 

As I travel home on my flight back to Orange County ...

Posted in Events

One of the trickiest circumstances to deal with in an eminent domain case occurs when the property being condemned suffers from a contamination issue.  This presents a number of thorny issues and, quite frankly, is an area of law which is shockingly undeveloped in most jurisdictions. 

  • Should the cost of the remediation be offset from the value of the property? 
  • Should the contamination be ignored since the owner is being compelled to "sell" the property, often against his or her will? 
  • Should the appraisers treat the contamination as they would any other circumstance affecting the ...
Posted in Events

 Here are a few updates for right of way professionals:

  • IRWA International ConferenceThe International Right of Way Association's (IRWA) 58th Annual International Education Conference will be taking place starting this weekend in Seattle.  Nossaman's eminent domain attorneys will be there in full force:  I know at least seven of us are attending, and we'll have representatives from our Orange County, Los Angeles, and San Francisco offices.  For the first time ever, we'll also be hosting a booth at the Conference, and we have a number of great give-aways, so plan to stop by ...
Posted in Redevelopment

The opening skirmish in the next phase of the battle between cities and the state over control of property taxes played out in Sacramento Superior court yesterday afternoon.  At issue was property taxes formerly controlled by redevelopment agencies.  While the court ruled against the petitioning cities, as with every other aspect of the California’s budget battles, it is difficult to say that there were any real winners.   

In City of Palmdale, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, Palmdale and eleven other cities sued the Department of Finances and various county auditor-controllers ...

Posted in Court Decisions

One of the issues that arises with some frequency in eminent domain cases involves a debate over which parties may seek compensation for lost business goodwill.  In many cases, this is an easy discussion:  any business operating on the property at the time it is condemned generally has the right to seek compensation for lost goodwill. 

But sometimes, the situation becomes murky, and a decision this week by the Court of Appeals, Los Angeles Unified School Dist. v. Recovery Resource LLC, presents an interesting, twisted set of facts.  In Recovery Resource, LAUSD filed a condemnation action ...

Posted in Events

This Friday, May 11, International Right of Way Association Chapter 11 (San Diego) will be hosting a great program titled "Eminent Domain Seminar:  The Acquisition Process and Litigation Case Study."  If you want an update on recent developments in eminent domain, or if you've ever wondered what a relocation appeal hearing or a condemnation trial looks like, this seminar is for you.  There are a number of great speakers lined up for the full-day class.  

My colleague Rick Rayl and I will be going toe-to-toe in a mock trial on the valuation of a gas station and the loss of business ...

Posted in Redevelopment

The demise of redevelopment in California has surely sparked strong emotions from both its supporters and its opponents.  And while the wind-down process continues to dominate the headlines, a recent article caught my eye about the tale of a long, hard-fought redevelopment battle -- with a happy ending, for everyone. 

If you have a moment, check out a great story in last week's Park La Brea Press, Eminent Domain Didn't Send Bernard's Packing, detailing a property owner's successful fight against redevelopment in Los Angeles.  The article provides a current update on a ...

Posted in Redevelopment

California continues its process of dismantling its redevelopment infrastructure.  The state's redevelopment agencies disappeared on February 1, 2012, and today marks another key milestone.  May 1 is the deadline for the creation of the Oversight Boards that will watch over the Successor Agencies as they dispose of redevelopment assets. 

What does this mean?  In many cases, nothing particularly significant.  Oversight Boards have been empanelled for many Successor Agencies before today, and even once empanelled, there is no guarantee that anything will happen immediately.  But ...

Posted in Court Decisions

As an eminent domain attorney, a litigated outcome nearly always comes with the satisfaction (or devastation) of realizing that you have won or lost.  Sure, sometimes the jury splits (in fact, that probably happens most of the time), but the result can be placed in the context of the settlement negotiations that took place leading to the trial.

A verdict much better than the settlement possibility feels like a "win" and a verdict much worse than an offered settlement understandably feels like a "loss."  It's really pretty simple.

But I have not had enough decisions to have empirical ...

Eminent Domain Report is a one-stop resource for everything new and noteworthy in eminent domain. We cover all aspects of eminent domain, including condemnation, inverse condemnation and regulatory takings. We also keep track of current cases, project announcements, budget issues, legislative reform efforts and report on all major eminent domain conferences and seminars in the United States.

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