It's Christmas Eve Eve here in Southern California. Our chances for a white Christmas seem small; as I look out my window, I see bright sunshine and know the temperature is in the 70s. Still, it's easy to see that the holiday season is in full swing.
If you are in need of some last minute shopping ideas and don't know what to get the eminent domain practitioner on your gift list, there are some great choices to be found.
Perhaps the most all-inclusive option comes to us through the Institute for Justice. Its "Rally in a Box" comes complete with stickers, posters, signs, and six eminent-domain-themed T-Shirts.
But there's more. Just in time for the Supreme Court's pending decision in the redevelopment lawsuit, you can choose to celebrate by supporting redevelopment with a timeless classic, the I heart Redevelopment shirt..
If you're more included to support the Governor and his battle over budget dollars, you may want to opt for one of the "I am Sutter Brown--CA First Dog" items available, with proceeds going to California's general fund.
I had hoped to end this post with a fabulous holiday-themed eminent domain cartoon, but I discovered that (1) as we get more removed from the Kelo decision, there is less of that circulating on the Internet, and (2) that which is circulating comes with strict copyright restrictions. So instead of a clever cartoon, I will end merely by wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season.
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Rick Rayl is an experienced litigator on a broad range of complex civil litigation issues. His practice is concentrated primarily on eminent domain, inverse condemnation and other real-estate-valuation disputes. His public ...
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