The City of Imperial has taken the first step in pursuing an eminent domain proceeding by adopting a resolution of necessity to acquire a vacant property for its Transit Center Project. As reported by the Imperial Valley Press, the City and the property owner have been negotiating the City's purchase of the property but have reached an impasse.
While the owner concedes the project is needed in the city, he believes his property is "very valuable" and that other locations would be better suited for the Project. The City disagreed and is moving forward with acquiring the property through eminent domain. The City has been working with the Imperial County Transportation Commission on the Project for some time and has secured the Project's $1.2 million price tag in state and federal funding.
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Bernadette Duran-Brown is a real estate litigation attorney primarily focusing on eminent domain, inverse condemnation, regulatory takings and valuation matters. With more than a decade of experience, she has advised numerous ...
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