• Posts by Steven M. Silva

    Steve Silva is a problem solver. He regularly practices in civil litigation in Nevada and California, including eminent domain and real estate litigation, with a heavy emphasis on appellate litigation, trial practice ...

Water Agencies Beware Before Proceeding with Forced Municipalization

Despite California’s record high levels of precipitation in 2023, water scarcity remains a pressing issue. Governments have turned to using the power of eminent domain to acquire investor-owned utilities in an effort to improve water service and costs for their communities. This complex process, known as municipalization, contains significant legal hurdles for governments because investor-owned utilities are uniquely empowered to challenge such takeovers.

In Nossaman’s California Water Views – 2024 Outlook, we explore the legal framework of condemnation actions ...

State Inverse Condemnation Remedy Sufficient To Vindicate Constitutional Rights

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and… dodge. An interesting case from the United States Supreme Court yesterday. Interesting because of what it says, and interesting because of what it very explicitly declined to say.

The question presented in DeVillier v. Texas, 601 U.S. ___ (2024) was whether the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment was “self-executing”. That is, whether a landowner could sue a State for money directly under the Takings Clause, even if there is no statute specifically creating a cause of action (and where the closest statute very expressly does not provide a remedy ...

Spring, Taxes, and the 1033 Exchange

It is spring.  Flowers are blooming; the rivers swell with snowmelt from the mountains; newly thawed Northern ponds welcome the return of their ducks and geese; Florida convulses with an annual migration of revelers.  It is only natural for the mind to turn to one of the two inevitabilities: Taxes.   

Tax time

As the Ides of April approach for individual tax filers, a mad dash to find tax savings is underway.  Many real estate investors and professionals are quite familiar with the tax saving potential of a 1031 Exchange.  Named after a section number of the tax code at 26 U.S.C. § 1031—which ...

Viva Las Vegas: Recap of Presentations During Right of Way Consultant’s Council Membership Meeting

The Right of Way Consultant’s Council Membership Meeting took place in Downtown Las Vegas on November 3, 2023. Having previously presented an eminent domain topic at the 2022 Membership Meeting, I was invited to present two topics during the 2023 meeting. I discussed the continued deployment of the Infrastructure Act as well as the impact of American Rescue Plan Act funds on state and local infrastructure projects. I also discussed the current levels of funding and disbursements under both acts and some pragmatic difficulties experienced by some public entities in deploying the ...

Public Agency’s Resolution of Necessity Not Entitled to Conclusive Presumption When Using Eminent Domain for Takeover of Public Utility

In California, when a government entity adopts a resolution of necessity to acquire property by eminent domain, that resolution typically “conclusively” establishes the requisite findings of public use and necessity. However, when the government is seeking to condemn a public utility to take over its operations, that conclusive presumption disappears. There has been an ongoing dispute about what standard of review applies in such take-over cases, and the California Court of Appeal recently provided guidance. … 

Supreme Court Rules County Can’t Keep the Change

Local governments—generally counties—impose property taxes on real estate pursuant to state law. Sometimes called ad valorem taxes, these property taxes are set based on the assessed value of the property. When a landowner does not pay their property tax, the law allows the county to foreclose on the property and sell it to another person.

The purpose of this sale is to make the county whole for the tax debt. In most states, if the property sells for more than the debt and there are excess proceeds, then the landowner receives the surplus after valid lienholders with priority are ...

Posted in Valuation
Calculating Condemnation Interest Rates – California & Nevada

The payment of “just compensation” for the taking of private property includes more than merely writing a check to the property owner after a jury determines the current fair market value of the taking. A property owner is entitled to interest on the award of condemnation as well. 

Over the last year, the Federal Reserve has raised its federal funds rate multiple times. In California and Nevada, the interest rate is calculated in very different manners and the increase in the federal funds rate has differing impacts.


In California, a property owner is entitled to interest ...

Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation 2023

Join us in Austin, TX or virtually for Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation 2023 hosted by American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE) February 2-4, 2023. This conference will benefit land use, zoning or real estate lawyers, particularly those who may be involved in an eminent domain dispute; appraisers; property valuation consultants; constitutional law enthusiasts; and municipal/local government lawyers.

During “When the SWAT Team Comes (No) Knocking: Police Power Takings” at 9:00 a.m. CT on February 3rd, Steve’s panel will discuss the ...

Changes in the Law - Eminent Domain and Infrastructure Update

Please join us on November 4th as we present “Changes in the Law - Eminent Domain and Infrastructure Update” during the 2022 Right of Way Consultants Council’s (ROWCC) Fall Membership Meeting in Las Vegas, NV. During this session, we’ll discuss key U.S. cases and legislation, pending and adopted, from the last year that impact the eminent domain and right of way industries. Additionally, we will discuss ... 

Posted in Right-of-Way
Ch-Ch-Changes in the Law: Eminent Domain and Infrastructure Update

Earlier this month, we gave a presentation during the International Right of Way Association’s 68th Annual Education Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. In keeping with the “rock and roll” theme, our session, “Ch-Ch-Changes in the Law: Eminent Domain and Infrastructure Update,” provided an overview of recent case law and legislation impacting the eminent domain and the right of way industries across the U.S. Additionally, we provided an update on the Infrastructure Bill, where funding and projects are kicking off, and discussed potential barriers to fully taking ...

Post-Pakdel Ripeness: "Modest Requirement" Not Met By Incomplete Application

A new decision out of the Northern District of California applying the “final action” standards of Pakdel v. City and County of San Francisco has come out – with the District Court concluding that even under Pakdel’s “relatively modest” standard, a landowner seeking to develop their property must still actually receive a final decision on the merits of their proposal before filing a takings claim in federal court.  The new case is DiVittorio v. County of Santa Clara, and the opinion by the Hon. Beth Labson Freeman helps further clarify the steps a landowner must satisfy before availing themselves of the federal court system ...

Eminent Domain Report is a one-stop resource for everything new and noteworthy in eminent domain. We cover all aspects of eminent domain, including condemnation, inverse condemnation and regulatory takings. We also keep track of current cases, project announcements, budget issues, legislative reform efforts and report on all major eminent domain conferences and seminars in the United States.

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