- Posts by Rick E. RaylPartner
Rick Rayl is an experienced litigator on a broad range of complex civil litigation issues. His practice is concentrated primarily on eminent domain, inverse condemnation and other real-estate-valuation disputes. His public ...
The City of Claremont voted 4-1 to extend its redevelopment agency's eminent domain authority for another 12 years. In a November 29 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin article, Claremont renews its eminent domain power, reporter Wes Woods, II writes that the the City's redevelopment agency amended its redevelopment plan to prevent its eminent domain authority from lapsing in December.
The use of eminent domain is often controversial, but especially so when it is for redevelopment purposes. And, when redevelopment requires condemnation of residential property, the public tends to ...
So it's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and I thought I should spend some time thinking about what I'm thankful for (apart from Cal's victory at Stanford last Saturday). Here's a list of three things an eminent domain attorney can be thankful for:
1. I Live in a Country With Eminent Domain. I know, who spends time being thankful for eminent domain? But think about it. In many places, the government just takes property, paying nothing. Even in this country, before it was this country, when the Pilgrims took land from existing Native American tribes just after inviting them over for a ...
It seems most commentators on eminent domain generally, and on the use of eminent domain for redevelopment purposes in particular, adopt an extreme stance. The loudest voices, especially in the "post-Kelo" world, tend to be property-rights advocates who denounce virtually any use of eminent domain, especially for redevelopment purposes.
A good example of this appears in a recent San Diego News Network article by Brian Peterson, president of the Grantville Action Group: "What we Learned at a Redevelopment Conference: Don't do E-mail." The article summarizes two ...
Yesterday, I spoke at the Appraisal Institute's 42nd Annual Litigation Seminar. As usual, it was a great event, well attended by many of the top eminent domain appraisers in Southern California. I spoke about recent developments in a presentation entitled "Eminent Domain: Where Are We, and Where Have We Been?" [PDF]
While I am confident that anyone in attendance would tell you I was brilliant, I want to focus today on some issues that arose in Ted Whitmer's presentation entitled Legal Instructions, Litigation & Appraisal Institute Standards. Ted's firm, Appraiser Defense
The City of Corona has announced plans to extend its eminent domain authority in a downtown area which Corona feels is blighted. The planned extension could impact businesses in the area, but Corona is carving out residential properties. According to Riverside Press-Enterprise reporter Leslie Parrilla, in her November 16 article, "Public hearing on eminent domain area":
Hundreds of businesses are in the Main and Sixth Street area covered by the action. Not included would be residential properties within the Merged Redevelopment Project Areas.
Corona's current plans do not ...
With the completion of the I-5 widening project in Orange County north to the Orange County-Los Angeles County line, motorists cruised along the new, spacious lanes until they hit the County line, at which point an abrupt bottleneck brought them to a halt. Now, the I-5 widening has commenced again, as the project moves north into Los Angeles.
Across the county, the other major freeway connecting Orange and Los Angeles Counties, Interstate 405, could face a similar future. The Orange County Transporation Authority has plans to widen the 405 freeway north from the 73 freeway to the ...
In 2006, what seemed to be a simple real estate transaction occurred: the Jurupa Community Services District sold 4.3 acres of property it didn't need to Stadium Properties, which planned to re-zone the property and develop it with a mini-storage facility.
The problem was that the Community Services Distrcit sold the property without first offering it to other public agencies, a requirement under California law (Government Code section 54222). More problematic was that the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District had purportedly been expressing interest in the property for ...
Why would this (or any other) blog need another post about Kelo v. City of New London. It probably doesn't, which is why this will be short.
But, for anyone who still wants more of the story behind Kelo, the soon-to-be-closed Pfizer facility, or the heated arguments they engender, the New YorK Times ran an extended piece, A Turning Point for Eminent Domain? on November 12 that contains a number of different, high-level views on the subject. (It also contains plenty of less than high-level views, as the story had generated 55 comments within just a few hours of its posting.)
And, for anyone ...
Just a few weeks ago, we reported on Tulare County's plans to condemn a number of properties to facilitate the widening of Road 80. Now, Visalia Times-Delta reporter Valerie Gibbons reports that Tulare County is considereing condemnation for four additional parcels, this time to facilitate the widening of Road 108 (or Demaree Street) between Visalia and Tulare.
The November 11 article, "Board of Supervisors moves to seize land for Road 108 project while still in property negotiations," explains that both the Road 80 and Road 108 projects raise the same concerns from property ...
Today, I attended the IRWA Chapter 67 monthly lunch meeting. The speaker was Philip Law, Corridors Program Manager for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). He came to discuss SCAG's 2008 Regional Transportation Plan. The plan is intended to coordinate efforts to implement transportation improvements through Southern California. It involves a $531.5 billion, 25-year long range plan of needed improvements.
The Plan's Executive Summary [PDF] describes in detail the various plan components, including ...
The impetus for one of the most infamous eminent domain cases in U.S. history was the City of New London, Connecticut's efforts to utilize a massive Pfizer plant as the basis to revitalize the surrounding area. (The common myth that Pfizer was itself the intended beneficiary of the Kelo property is not correct.)
The decision, Kelo v. City of New London, triggered a nationwide backlash against eminent domain when the Supreme Court ruled that economic growth, by itself, qualifies as a public purpose sufficient to satisy the right to take property by eminent domain.
The tale of what ...
Eminent domain lawyers who practice in Los Angeles County Superior Court are all familiar with LA County's detailed local rules on eminent domain -- "Chapter 16." Chapter 16 is the chapter in the Los Angeles County local rules that deals specifically with eminent domain, and it contains meticulous procedural rules for the conduct of condemnation cases in Los Angeles.
Key provisions involve an elaborate "First Pretrial Conference" requiring a substantial, joint written submission to Department 59 (the LA County eminent domain department), along ...
On Tuesday, the City of Lake Forest voted unanimously to move forward with plans to condemn a 6.11-acre parcel to use as a land swap with the County of Orange. The property will likely end up being incorporated into Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park.
According to Orange County Register reporter Erika I. Ritchie, in her November 4 article "City moves forward with seizure of family's land," the property's owner, the Hernandez family, has resisted all efforts by the City to acquire the property voluntarily. But the City needs the property to complete a land swap with the County that will ...
In an October 31 article for the North County Times, "VISTA: City wants to redevelop motel property," reporter Cigi Ross writes about the City of Vista's plans to acquire a motel property as part of a plan to redevelop the area:
The owner of a downtown Vista motel is accusing the city of trying to kick him out of his business and his home.
City officials announced Monday they're trying to purchase the Vista Riviera Motel as part of a redevelopment project along Vista Village Drive and Vista Way that could include a new car dealership.
While the City's efforts currently involve a voluntary ...
There are any number of property rights advocates who believe eminent domain is always wrong, and should never be allowed. As an eminent domain lawyer who sees how eminent domain works both from a landowner and from an agency perspective, I find it hard to understand that extreme viewpoint. Does eminent domain abuse occur? Of course. Are there situations where agencies condemn things they should not condemn? Absolutely. Would the infrastructure needed for modern society exist without eminent domain? Maybe not. And thus, the story of a world without eminent domain:
Nancy was ...
One of the oddities of California's public utility system is that private companies own and operate many of them, yet they behave very much like governmental entities, especially when it comes to eminent domain. Major examples include Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric ("PG&E"); both are private companies functioning as public utilities, delivering electricity to their constituents, and both are overseen by the Public Utilities Commission.
Occasionally, an actual governmental entity will seek to replace the private utility company. Such is the case ...
On November 18, the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is hosting its 42nd Annual Litigation Seminar. This full-day event features a great panel of speakers, and has been approved for eight hours of both Appraisal Institute and Office of Real Estate Appraisers ("OREA") continuing education credit.
It is being held at:
Embassy Suites Hotel
11767 Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92840
I will be speaking at 3:45 p.m. on "New Cases & What’s Happening in Eminent Domain." I understand that I am the last speaker of the day, and that you will ...
In an October 23 Los Angeles Times article, reporter Ronald D. White describes a lawsuit filed by the NRDC against a proposed project to replace the aging, seismically unsafe Schuyler Heim Bridge with a new modern bridge that will also bypass three existing stoplights and five existing railroad crossings.
This is not the first project designed to ease traffic congestion and to facilitate the movement of goods in and around the Port of Los Angeles, and while the lawsuit alleges potential environmental problems with the project, it ignores the vast benefits projects like these ...
According to Visalia Times Delta reporter Valerie Gibbons, in her October 20 article "Tulare County now wants 11 more parcels on Road 80," Tulare County is moving forward with condemnation plans for 11 properties in order to widen Road 80:
The county has been trying to acquire properties — many of which are in 40- to-60-foot-wide strips, and about a mile in length — since the beginning of 2008. Eighty-five other property owners along the route have reached sale-price settlements.
The widening project, designed to ease congestion between Dinuba and Visalia, has been planned ...
Yesterday's IRWA Chapter 1 seminar in Los Angeles was a great success, with an outstanding panel of speakers. The morning started with an informative presentation by Dave Guder of Southern California Edison about the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project and renewable energy sources in general.
The liveliest discussion, however, centered around a narrow issue that triggered some surprisingly animated responses. The issue involved a condemning agency's use of one appraiser for the initial eminent domain offer and deposit of probable compensation, and another appraiser ...
Typically, regulatory takings litigation generates a lot of noise and gnashing of teeth but, at the end of the day, rarely are government agencies bitten with an order that they pay compensation. However, a new opinion from the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Guggenheim v. City of Goleta (Sept. 28, 2009, Case No. 06-56306), demonstrates that regulatory takings litigation can have teeth. In Guggenheim, the 9th Circuit holds that the city of Goleta's rent control ordinance on mobile home parks went too far and that the city will have to pay the park's owners just compensation ...
On October 20, Chapter 1 of the International Right-of-Way Association is holding its Fall Seminar. The event is being chaired by one of my partners, David Graeler, and it has a good line-up of speakers.
One of the more interesting discussions may be the 10:50 session looking at eminent domain from both an agency and a landowner perspective. The speakers for that session are Michael Thornton, from my firm's San Francisco office, and Gary Kovacic, from Sullivan, Workman & Dee in Los Angeles ...
There was an interesting discussion at the IRWA Chapter 57 seminar last Friday, and it’s one that I have seen play out many times in many contexts, so I thought it was worth a short discussion here. The issue was when the illegal gift of public funds doctrine comes into play in the context of an eminent domain case (the text appears in Article XVI, section 6 of the California Constitution). The concept is simple: The government cannot give away public funds to a private person or company. The eminent domain scenario is all too frequent: A proposed settlement is for more than the property’s ...
In June 2005, the United States Supreme Court issued its now infamous decision in Kelo v. City of New London. That decision made eminent domain and condemnation household terms (imagine my shock at hearing my previously unknown, niche area of practice discussed in normal, day-to-day conversations). The decision sparked tremendous controversy, as the Court ruled that the City of New London, Connecticut could condemn properties for redevelopment purposes for purely economic reasons.
In other words, the City did not even pretend that it was acting to eliminate blight (the ...
The Inland Empire chapter of the International Right-of-Way Association is holding its 2009 Education Seminar and Fundraiser (Casino Night) on October 16, 2009, at the Eagle Glen Golf Course in Corona. The event starts with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and goes through a raffle at the end of the casino night at 9:45 p.m.
The education program is entitled "Looking Forward in a Backward Right of Way World," and it features Bruce Norris of The Norris Group, talking about foreclosures, followed by three moderated panels, one on acquisitions, one on relocations, and one on eminent domain.
One ...
I attended the IRWA Chapter 1 (Los Angeles chapeter) lunch meeting today, and listened to my partner, Rick Friess, speak about the Pitfalls of Prejudgment Possession [PDF]. The most lively part of the discussion centered on the requirement that condemning agencies offer the property owner $5,000 to obtain his or her own appraisal, and whether the agencies can condition that money on anything. There was clear agreement on the fact that to date, no case has interpreted the requirement, and that there is at least some ambiguity about what, if any, conditions may be imposed.
Typically ...
In his September 16 article entitled DWP outmaneuvered on Kern County land purchase, Los Angeles Times reporter David Zahniser described a story full of political intrigue. It seems someone with ties to Mayor Villaraigosa acquired a property out from under the Department of Water and Power (DWP), only to immediately offer to sell the property to DWP at a hugely inflated price. While the article focuses mainly on the political aspect of the situation (e.g., did the buyer know about DWPs plans for the property when it purchased it, etc.), the eminent domain angle is also interesting.
The ...
One of the odd things about a blog is that it is often difficult to determine who the authors really are – and whether any reason exists to listen to what they have to say about a particular topic. The lawyers in Nossaman’s Eminent Domain and Valuation Group are among the top eminent domain and inverse condemnation lawyers in California. We practice together out of three offices: in Orange County; Los Angles; and San Francisco. Collectively, our attorneys have over 100 years of eminent domain experience. We have been shaping California eminent domain law for years, having been ...
Eminent Domain Report is a one-stop resource for everything new and noteworthy in eminent domain. We cover all aspects of eminent domain, including condemnation, inverse condemnation and regulatory takings. We also keep track of current cases, project announcements, budget issues, legislative reform efforts and report on all major eminent domain conferences and seminars in the United States.
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