Posted in Right to Take

Eminent domain is typically used in the context of a freeway widening, a grade separation project, a utility corridor, or perhaps a new school.  It's not often you hear about the use of eminent domain in the healthcare industry.  But it does happen. 

Take a recent example in Oceanside:  the Tri-City Medical Center, a public hospital, is looking to expand its facility.  It apparently has the power of eminent domain, and according to a North County Times article, OCEANSIDE:  Tri-City seeks to take land through eminent domain, it's ready to use that power this week by adopting a resolution ...

Posted in Events

Six years ago, the US Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in Kelo v. City of New London, affirming the government's ability to exercise eminent domain for purely economic purposes.  The public backlash and media firestorm surrounding the decision turned our quirky group of eminent domain attorneys into rock stars for a short moment in time.  Ms. Kelo's battle was put to print in Jeff Benedict's Little Pink House:  A True Story of Defiance and Courage, and it now appears the infamous case is making its way to your television. 

According to a Hartford Courant article

Posted in Court Decisions

A new published California court of appeal decision may be important for private utility companies with respect to the valuation of their possessory interests in public rights-of-way for property tax assessment purposes.  The case, Charter Communications Properties v. County of San Luis Obispo, provides that when assessing the fair market value of a utility's possessory interest, the County tax assessor will likely be able to disregard the utility's agreed-upon remaining term of possession and instead assume a much longer anticipated term of possession to match reality.  This ...

Posted in Projects

According to a Red Bluff Daily News article, "Eminent domain grants access in Tehama County," the realignment of Bowman Road and the replacement of South Fork Cottonwood Creek are moving forward, and the County is reaching deals with the impacted property owners, but only after the commencement of eminent domain proceedings.

One property owner is granting Tehama County a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement for $2,500, and another owner has reached a deal at $50,000.  On top of the monetary compensation, the County has agreed to create a driveway encroachment to ...

It is common practice for government agencies to condition approval of large developments on providing off-site public improvements.  Road widenings, park dedications, etc., are all too familiar for California developers.  When those improvements require others' property, many times the government agency utilizes eminent domain on the developer's behalf (with the developer footing the bill).  But what if the agency refuses?

According to an Inside Self-Storage article, "Derrel’s Mini Storage Owner Battles City, Homeowner in CA Self-Storage Eminent Domain Case," a ...

Posted in Projects

According to a Turlock Journal article, "TID moves ahead with eminent domain," the Turlock Irrigation District approved the adoption of a resolution of necessity in order to move forward with eminent domain for the Hughson/Grayson 115 kv transmission line project.  

As expected, impacted property owners are not satisfied with the agency's appraised value.  The article reports that residents are in the process of obtaining their own appraisals, and have requested a 30 day extension prior to the commencement of eminent domain proceedings.  (As a public agency, the irrigation district ...

Posted in Redevelopment

The existence of California's redevelopment agencies continues to make headlines across the state.  Despite the pending lawsuit between the CRA and the State concerning the constitutionality of AB1X 26 and AB1X 27, local government agencies are still taking things into their own hands, sometimes in very opposite directions.  Two examples:

The City of Ukiah:  Over a year ago, we reported that the local business community was urging the City of Ukiah to reinstate its redevelopment agency's power of eminent domain in an effort to eliminate blight.  (Yes, you read that correctly.)  The ...

Posted in Redevelopment

We reported earlier this month that a referendum to ultimately decide the fate of redevelopment agencies could make its way onto California's 2012 ballot.  Eminent domain opponent Marko Mlikotin had obtained clearance to begin collecting signatures to overturn ABX1 27, the bill that allows California's redevelopment agencies to avoid extinction by paying money back to the State.  With the CRA's pending lawsuit to decide the fate of ABX1 26 and ABX1 27, Mlikotin's collection efforts have apparently been nixed. 

According to a Capitol Alert article by Torey Van Oot, "Referendum of ...

Posted in Events

It's not often a film comes out dealing with eminent domain issues.  You may remember when Avatar came out, my partner Rick Rayl and our esteemed colleague Gideon Kanner had a nice back-and-forth spar about whether the film had anything to do with eminent domain.  (Rick ended up buying Professor Kanner a movie ticket in the hopes of changing his mind.)  

Well, there can be no dispute about the eminent domain context in the recent documentary "Battle for Brooklyn," which follows a man's fight to save his Atlantic Yards neighborhood from condemnation for the New Jersey Nets' new basketball ...

Posted in Projects

Improving California's infrastructure continues to be a major focus across the state.  We've been reporting for months the stream of funding that is making its way towards much needed transportation projects.  This week California saw a major influx of additional Proposition 1B funding to the tune of $2.2 billion which will be spread across 146 highway, transit and rail projects.

  • In Los Angeles, Caltrans reports that money is being spent on high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on US 101, along with rehabilitation of the I-710, I-5, and SR-60 freeways.  
  • For the San Diego folks, check out ...
Posted in Redevelopment

While the redevelopment battle wages on in California, there's a somewhat similar discussion taking place on Capitol Hill.  We reported back in April about the House Judiciary Committee's consideration of H.R. 1433 -- the "Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2011" -- a bill that would prevent states and municipalities from using eminent domain for economic development purposes (such as redevelopment) on any project for which the agencies are receiving federal funding.  But there has not been much news since.  That may all change today.

According to an Energy & Environment ...

Anyone who's ever been involved in real estate development knows that as part of the permit approval process, developers are routinely required to make concessions to the government in order to move forward with proposed development plans.  And, if you're building near the coast, you usually need to jump through even more hoops (sometimes backwards and through fire) to please the Coastal Commission.  But when do the demanded concessions go too far?

We've covered in the past the "rough proportionality" and "nexus" requirements that development conditions must ...

Posted in Redevelopment

The heavy-weight boxing match continues:  after California Attorney General Kamala Harris filed an "informal" opposition, the California Redevelopment Association (CRA) has countered with a not-so-"informal" reply brief of its own in an effort to overturn AB1X 26 and AB1X 27.

The CRA's informal reply requests oral argument in the Fall of 2011 since no one seems to dispute the urgent need for the California Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality of the recently passed legislation.  The CRA then focuses on the Attorney General's request to consider the statutes ...

Posted in Projects

Want to know what's going on with some of Southern California's largest infrastructure projects?  Here's a quick update.

  • I-5 Corridor Improvements:  If you live in California, you've almost certainly spent many hours on the 5 freeway.  It runs from the US/Mexico border all the way through Oregon and even up into Canada.  With Southern California's population growth, Caltrans has invested over $3 billion to improve two areas of the I-5 over the next five years:  (i) the segment between the Orange County line and the San Gabriel River Freeway (I-605); and (ii) the segment between the ...
Posted in Redevelopment

While Governor Brown's push to eliminate redevelopment agencies seemed to drag on forever, California's redevelopment agencies were not so slow to act once the long-contemplated ABX1 26 and ABX1 27 became law.  On Monday, the redevelopment agencies filed suit directly in the California Supreme Court seeking to overturn the recent enactments.

The redevelopment agencies are represented by the California Redevelopment Association and the League of California Cities.  San Jose and Union City also joined in the lawsuit claiming they will face elimination since they cannot make the ...

Posted in Court Decisions

When dealing with regulatory takings claims, we've covered in the past the maze of procedural landmines that await a property owner.  We've once gone so far as to describe it as resembling "Alice's trip through Wonderland, with the parties falling in and out of state and then federal court (instead of a rabbit hole) based on procedural and substantive rules that often seem as logical as the Mad Hatter's recitals at the Tea Party."  Could one of those major obstacles disappear, allowing land owners a more direct shot at a regulatory takings claim in federal court?  The US Supreme Court could ...

Posted in Projects

It's not often we go an entire week without a blog post, but last week was a bit hectic on our end.  Here's a few California eminent domain and infrastructure updates from throughout the week:

  • San Bernardino Eminent Domain:  In its article "IVDA approves eminent domain for Tippecanoe widening," The Riverside Press-Enterprise is reporting that the Inland Valley Development Agency has authorized moving forward with eminent domain to acquire 461 square feet of property in San Bernardino near the north east corner of Tippecanoe and Central Avenue as part of a street widening effort ...
Posted in Projects

Albany Beach in Northern California is a popular waterfront hot-spot.  However, the East Bay Regional Park District feels it's far from reaching its potential.  A long-planned restoration project is intended to improve the area's public access and the ecological environment.  However, the project hinges on one missing piece of the puzzle:  acquisition of a 2.8-acre parcel owned by Golden Gate Fields.

According to an East Bay Express article by Nate Seltenrich, "The Beautification of Albany Beach," the District's nine-years of negotiations have not led to a deal on the property ...

Posted in Redevelopment

We previously reported that the City of Azusa utilized the power of eminent domain to redevelop the area formerly known as "Corky's Corner," which required the acquisition of long-time (39 years) tenant The Furniture Station.  After the owner lost a right to take challenge, he settled with the City on the value of the property.  At the time, the City noted it planned to immediately begin redevelopment efforts, but it could not say who would ultimately end up in the new space.  Well, that new tenant has officially been announced.

According to a Pasadena Star-News article by Daniel ...

Access impairment disputes must be the hot topic.  I just wrote about the Wardany access impairment case, and now another similar dispute is brewing in the City of Temecula.  This one may be a bit more interesting.

According to a North County Times article by Aaron Claverie, TEMECULA: City looks ready to fight eminent domain suit, Old Town property owners Charles and Sylvia Hargis have filed an inverse condemnation action against the City of Temecula due to the City's purportedly closing off access to the Hargis' coffee shop during construction of the City's $70 million ...

Posted in Court Decisions

California eminent domain law generally provides that a government agency's impairment of a property's access is not compensable unless the impairment qualifies as "substantial".  Dozens of cases have addressed access impairment claims raised by property and business owners both in the traditional eminent domain context and through inverse condemnation actions, and while there are some general guidelines that can be established, many times the determination of whether an impairment qualifies as "substantial" will depend on the particular facts of the case.

Take for ...

When analyzing potential liability for a regulatory takings claim, most land use and eminent domain attorneys immediately look to the three-prong test set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City (1978) 438 U.S. 104.  Those three factors include:

  • the economic impact of the regulation;
  • the extent to which the regulation has interfered with distinct investment-backed expectations; and
  • the character of the government's regulation.

Unfortunately, it's much easier said than done.  Practitioners and courts alike have struggled ...

Posted in Court Decisions

There's an odd story unfolding in Mendocino County's Brooktrails Township.  It dates back to when Lake Emily was originally built in 1972, where its development apparently resulted in the partial taking of a number of properties.  But the township never paid for the acquisitions.  It is unclear how or why the owners let this slide.  (My first thought was perhaps no one noticed; but the takings were rather large -- one owner alone lost 1,300 square feet of property.)

Fast forward to more than thirty years later.  In 2006, the township decided to raise Lake Emily several feet, which would further ...

Posted in Events

Last week was quite busy in the world of California eminent domain, and the start of this week appears to be no different.  A few updates:

  • International Right of Way Assocation (IRWA) Chapter 67 is holding its annual, half-day seminar on May 10 at the Holiday Inn in Santa Ana (sorry for the late notice).  The seminar is focused on mobilehome acquisitions and appraisals, and there are a number of great speakers lined up.  (I'll also give a quick update on the City of Los Angeles v. Plotkin decision involving precondemnation damages.)  I hope to see you there.
  • The Marysville Joint Unified ...
Posted in Projects

According to an article by Ken Carlson in the Modesto Bee, "Modesto will try eminent domain," the Modesto City Council this week voted 6-0 in favor of utilizing eminent domain to acquire easements necessary for the widening of Roselle Avenue.  The remaining hold-out properties include part-takes from a seven-acre ranchette and a two-and-a-half acre vacant lot.  The owner of the ranchette, Daniel Nickles, claims the City's survey is flawed, and its $15,000 offer is less than a tenth of fair market value.

The acquisition if Nickles' property includes a 5-foot by ...

Posted in Court Decisions

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit recently issued an interesting opinion which addresses the question of whether or not a government agency's application of the Endangered Species Act can trigger a property owner's Fifth Amendment Takings Claim.

My colleague Ben Rubin has a more detailed post about the case, Klamath Irrigation District v. United States, on our firm's Endangered Species Law and Policy Blog.  More generally, the Klamath Irrigation District case analyzes whether the US Bureau of Reclamation's decision to reduce water delivery to farmers ...

Posted in Redevelopment

I presented an update on eminent domain/redevelopment issues making their way through the legislature at this week's IRWA Chapter 67 (Orange County) monthly meeting, and I've received a few follow-up requests for more information.  So I decided it was probably worthwhile to put all the information here on the Nossaman blog. 

  • Status of California Redevelopment Agencies:  It's now been several weeks since the  attempted Assembly votes, where Governor Brown's attempt to eliminate redevelopment agencies fell one vote short.  The Governor needs the $2.2 billion in ...

Roy Fowler's Furniture Station has been a well-known staple within the City of Azusa.  The 39-year-old store has witnessed much change in the area known as Corky's Corner.  However, the store is now officially shutting down after the City of Azusa acquired the property through eminent domain.

According to an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, "Long-time Azusa furniture store to close after losing battle against city, eminent domain," the Furniture Station finally reached a settlement with the City after a contentious eminent domain battle.  The City sought to ...

Posted in Court Decisions

We've covered the Guggenheim v. City of Goleta regulatory takings case pretty exhaustively, most recently noting there is a pending petition for Supreme Court review.  While we wait for the fateful decision as to whether the Supreme Court will take up the Guggenheim case, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued another mobilehome rent control regulatory takings decision in Colony Cove Properties v. City of Carson.  Like the 9th Circuit's en banc decision in Guggenheim, the park owner's regulatory takings claim was unsuccessful.

The owner in Colony Cove

Posted in Court Decisions

The California Court of Appeal recently issued an interesting unpublished decision addressing a property owner's claim that a government entity's regulation of asbestos constituted a regulatory taking.  The owner's unsuccessful challenge presents a nice summary of what not to do when pursuing a regulatory takings claim, and just how difficult it is for an owner to succeed.

In Butte Equipment Rentals, Inc. v. California Air Resources Board, the property owner operated a rock mining and quarrying business.  The owner alleged that two regulations adopted by the ...

Posted in Projects

Today the California Transportation Commission announced the allocation of $101 million to fund 90 state-wide transportation projects.  The CTC's updated project allocation list provides a full breakdown of all the projects.

In reviewing the project list, there appears to be a big push towards going "green":  many of the projects involve improvements such as tree planting, compressed natural gas (CNG) buses, pedestrian and bicycle trails, or acquisition of property for restoration and habitat protection.  There's also a handful of ...

Posted in Possession

It's been a crazy couple weeks with the redevelopment saga continuing to play out in California.  But let's shift gears and take a breather – at least for a moment – while hundreds of redevelopment agencies continue to hang on for dear life.

I received a call today from a business owner who faced a potential eminent domain action, and the owner unforntuately did not take the appropriate steps to preserve goodwill and find a suitable relocation site.  The owner's difficult dilemma prompted me to mention an excellent article I came across a while ago from Martyn Daniel LLC

Posted in Projects

One recent article by our Infrastructure Group, "New Surface Transportation Legislation Likely to Encounter Many Roadblocks in the Coming Months," seems particularly useful.  The article indicates that the Obama Administration has the passage of a multi-year surface transportation bill high on its legislative agenda, and its new budget proposal pushes for a $556 billion surface reauthorization bill.  John Mica, the Republican Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, however, has warned transportation stakeholders that a Republican bill this ...

Recently we've been reporting on redevelopment agencies' efforts to utilize redevelopment funds before they're no more under new proposed legislation.  Whether you agree or disagree with the existence of redevelopment agencies, sometimes those agencies acquire properties on behalf of other government entities for undisputed public purposes.  For example, the Redding Redevelopment Agency is currently acting on behalf of the State Administrative Office of the Courts to acquire property necessary to build a new Shasta County Courthouse.  If redevelopment agencies are ...

Posted in Court Decisions

Last week, we give a brief overview of the new published California Court of Appeal decision in City of Gardena v. Rikuo Corporation (Feb. 7, 2011).  For anyone interested in a more detailed explanation of the City of Gardena case, you can read our E-Alert, "Court Dismisses Appeal Arising From Stipulated Eminent Domain Judgment."

The case is probably worth a read for all of us in the right-of-way industry, as the decision serves as an important reminder for public agencies and property owners to carefully document eminent domain settlements, especially where additional actions ...

Posted in Court Decisions

The Clean Water Act requires states to identify rivers and creeks that fall below specified water quality standards.  Those water bodies are thereafter designated as "impaired" by the Environmental Protection Agency, and certain standards are imposed to limit pollution and runoff. 

If a river or creek's designation results in a nearby property suffering a decrease in value, does the property owner have standing to seek removal of the designation?  In Barnum Timber Co. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that ...

We've reported on a number of rent control regulatory takings claims making their way through the court system, most notably the Guggenheim v. City of Goleta case.  Apparently, some cities and counties are fed up with the onslaught of challenges to their rent control ordinances, and they're looking for a way to recoup the attorneys' fees they expend in preserving the ordinances. 

According to an article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, "Monning researching bill to address rent control lawsuits," Assemblyman Bill Monning looks to address this concern by considering a bill ...

Posted in Court Decisions

The California Court of Appeal has issued a new published decision involving an unusual set of circumstances surrounding an eminent domain and inverse condemnation case.  In Cobb v. City of Stockton, the City filed an eminent domain action to acquire the owner's property; shortly thereafter, the City obtained prejudgment possession and constructed a public roadway on the property.  So far, seems typical.

Here's where things get unusual.  After nine years, the matter had not made its way to trial, and the court dismised the action for "lack of prosecution."  (I'm not entirely sure how ...

Posted in Projects

We noted in our 2010 year-in-review E-Alert that the stimulus dollars were starting to make their way towards local agencies so infrastructure projects could be built.  2011 is now off to a fast start:  according to a recent Caltrans press release, the California Transportation Commission has announced the allocation of $1 billion towards 107 California transportation projects, including $838 million from Proposition 1B bond funds (which was approved by voters in 2006).

Here are some of the highlights as to how these funds will be utilized:

  • $46.55 million to install rail ...
Posted in Redevelopment

In U.S. politics, mudslinging -- or negative political campaigning -- is "as American as Mississippi mud."  Just recently, I'm sure everyone recalls the heated back-and-forth between Governor Brown and Meg Whitman.  Usually, the attacks die down after the election is over.  And rarely do the attacks center on eminent domain issues.

That brings us to Palm Springs.  Mayor Steve Pougnet unsuccessfully challenged U.S. Representative Mary Bono Mack for the 45th Congressional District in November.  Months after the election, the debate continues between the two.  

According to a recent ...

In case you missed it, in the news last month was a big story about the San Diego County Sheriff's Department torching a residence in Escondido as the only safe way to destroy a giant cache of explosives found in the house.  The house was burned to ashes in an effort to destroy the extremely volatile chemical compounds which could detonate at any second.  The house has since been dubbed, simply, the "Bomb House."

So what does this have to do with eminent domain?  Interestingly, the individual responsible for the explosives was a renter (who is now in jail), and the property owner -- who had no idea ...

Posted in Projects

We recently wrapped up assisting with the acquisition of several part-takes of commercial and residential properties for a public transit project.  One of the big issues involved with each of the acquisitions centered on whether the project provided the impacted properties with benefits that would offset the potential severance damages.

By way of background, when only a portion of property is acquired through the use of eminent domain, the acquiring entity is required to pay not only for the portion of the property acquired, but also for any decline in value the remainder ...

Posted in Projects

We've previously reported on the Fresno Unified School District's plans to build its $20 million southeast elementary school which requires the acquisition of 20 different parcels.  While it initially appeared that the acquisition of the Foursquare Gospel Church would be a major hold-up, that no longer appears to be the case. 

According to a recent KMPH Fox News article, "Fresno Church Faces Eminent Domain," the District has reached a deal with the Foursquare Gospel Church, and eminent domain will no longer be necessary.  However, the story does not quite end there, as the ...

Posted in Court Decisions

Both California and federal eminent domain laws set forth obligations on "public entities" or the "government."   When these specific terms are used, do the statutes also apply to public or private utility companies exercising the power of eminent domain?

One example is found in the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, which allows a landowner to seek reimbursement for costs and attorneys' fees when a condemnation action instituted by a "federal agency" is abandoned by the "United States."  (42 U.S.C. 4654.)  If a utility company ...

Posted in Redevelopment

The Americana at Brand center in Glendale is a large, outdoor shopping community consisting of over 75 retail shops and 300 condos and apartments.  It opened to the public in 2008.  One would think this would not have been the best time to open up a retail center.  However, apparently in the midst of the recession, the center is doing quite well, and the developer is seeking to expand onto two adjacent properties.   

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, "Developer wants to expand Americana at Brand shopping center," the developer of Americana at Brand -- Rick Caruso -- has sent a letter ...

Posted in Projects

According to an article in the Press Democrat, "City moves toward eminent domain for Hwy. 101 interchange," the City of Petaluma is contemplating the use of eminent domain to acquire property necessary for the Highway 101-East Washington interchange expansion.  

The impacted parcels include the land behind the Raley's shopping center, the K-mart center, and vacant land owned by Regency ...

Posted in Projects

The site selection process for a new school is typically a difficult one, as large acreage is usually needed in the middle of a populated area.  When these two factors are combined, eminent domain often follows.  

According to a recent article in the Fresno Bee, "Fresno Unified moves ahead on southeast elementary school," this is precisely the situation faced by the Fresno Unified School District as it proceeds with building its new $20 million southeast elementary school.  The District needs 8.43 acres, requiring the acquisition of 20 different parcels from 17 different owners.  In ...

Posted in Projects

According to an article in the Valley News, "Riverside public hearing to consider eminent domain for bridge on Iowa Ave.," the Riverside City Council is contemplating using eminent domain to complete the Iowa Grade Separation Project

In order to (1) build the 500-foot long bridge over railroad tracks on Iowa Avenue and (2) construct necessary northbound and southbound ramps, the Project requires the acquisition of portions of seven properties on Iowa Avenue between Palmyrita Avenue and Spring Street.

The City has already begun negotiations with the owners ...

Posted in Projects

According to an article on, "Water fight goes to court," San Joaquin County water officials are planning to use their eminent domain powers to take thousands of acres of ranch land for a proposed reservoir.  Officials say the project -- called MORE WATER -- is needed to satisfy the County's growing population and to reduce dependence on wells which are depleting the groundwater supply.

The County recently filed a lawsuit in order to gain access to the ranchers' property to conduct surveys and drill test holes.  14 of the 16 landowners have granted the County ...

Posted in Projects

According to an article in the Orange County Register, "H.B. mobile home park owner fights city's property seizure," the owner of Pacific Mobilehome Park is challenging a street-widening project for which the City of Huntington Beach plans acquire eight mobile homes through the use eminent domain.  The street-widening project will widen Atlanta Avenue between Huntington Street and Delaware Street, and the mobile home park owner claims the project's environmental impacts were not sufficiently studied. 

The City's zoning administrator waived the need for an in-depth ...

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